HomeFor whom?

The walking aid designed for oncology.

What impact does cancer and its treatment have on a person’s mobility?

Cancer can affect many parts of the body. Depending on the location of the tumour, its extent and the patient’s general condition, cancer (and its treatment) can have a wide range of impacts:

  • pain (muscular, bone, joint, etc.)
  • peripheral nerve damage: motor disorders, sensory disorders, pain, etc.
  • central nerve damage: motor disorders, paralysis, hemiplegia, balance problems, cognitive disorders, vision problems, etc.
  • fatigue
  • generalized weakness
  • poor general condition
  • cardio-respiratory problems

Depending on the type of damage, treatment may be orthopedic, neurological, respiratory, etc.

Staying in motion, moving, being physically active is now recognized as having a positive impact (as much as medication) in the fight against cancer, coping with the effects of treatment and avoiding recurrence. This is the concept of “Exercise Therapy”. It’s essential to avoid the vicious circle: fatigue –> I’m not moving –> fatigue –> I’m not moving…

How Wheeleo®️ can help cancer sufferers.

When you’re weakened by cancer and its treatments, getting around the house or hospital often requires support on the bed, furniture or the arm of a caregiver.

Mobility aids are often needed to make getting around easier.

The Wheeleo®️ offers constant support on the ground. He will help the person 100% of the time. This constant support provides comfort and safety during movement, just like a walker. In contrast, the Wheeleo®️est is much less cumbersome and more manageable: it’s easy to sneak into the toilet, the kitchen or the bed. It can also be operated with one hand: the free hand can be used to carry a glass of water, push an infusion stand, open a door, etc.

Best of all, it stands up on its own. Practical when you’re doing bimanual activities (pouring a glass of water, washing your hands, etc.), you’ll find your Wheeleo®️ ready to use and not on the ground like conventional canes.

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