Walking aids for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), also known as chronic bronchitis, is a highly disabling respiratory illness. It is the third leading cause of death and the seventh leading cause of ill-health worldwide.1

COPD causes severe breathing difficulties. It may be accompanied by severe congestion or closure of the airways (spasm). In time, this disease will severely limit the person’s efforts and ability to move around. Some COPD sufferers even become oxygen-dependent. Travel will be kept to an absolute minimum.

Technical aids for COPD?

The walker is a technical walking aid that can make getting around easier, as it provides constant support on the ground. The 4-wheel walker reduces walking effort. Upper limb support also enables more active involvement of the accessory respiratory muscles. It also allows you to carry the oxyconcentrator (O²) and take a sit-down break whenever necessary.

Unfortunately, where people with COPD live, living space is often limited and cluttered. The advantages of a built-in seat are limited for indoor use, as there are chairs and seats all over the home. The use of walkers is therefore limited. In fact, it takes up a lot of space and is difficult to handle in small spaces.

Conventional canes, often used to deal with this problem, don’t offer as much support. What’s more, it can’t stand up on its own. It is not uncommon for the cane to fall to the floor when placed against a piece of furniture to perform a bimanual activity (washing hands, pouring a glass of water, etc.).

Why is Wheeleo®️ an interesting solution?

With its constant support on the ground, the Wheeleo®️ is comparable to a walker. It reduces effort and makes travel more comfortable.

The main advantages of Wheeleo®️ over the conventional 4-wheel walker are :

  • its compact size. Unlike a walker, the Wheeleo®️ will accompany its user to every corner of the house: bedroom, bathroom, WC, etc.
  • a free hand. The Wheeleo®️ requires only one hand to operate. It frees up the other hand for activities of daily living: carrying a glass, opening a door, etc.

The main advantages of Wheeleo®️ over the classic cane are :

  • its constant support on the ground. The Wheeleo®️ must not be lifted with every step. It provides continuous assistance, which reduces energy expenditure.
  • it stands on its own. The Wheeleo®️ provides a very practical solution for bimanual activities. It’s very functional.

The Wheeleo®️ becomes the ideal complement to the 4-wheel walker and replaces the cane. The walker is well suited to outdoor situations (+ long distance, “all terrain”, seat, space, …) whereas the Wheeleo®️ is much better suited to indoor situations (short distance, flat floor, bimanual activity, …).

Want to try Wheeleo®️? Click here!

  1. https://www.who.int/fr/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/chronic-obstructive-pulmonary-disease-(copd) ↩︎

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